Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Something healthy to cancel out the fat.

So, lately I've eaten things like Whataburgers, Jiffy Burgers and Drip Beef sandwiches with lots of chocolate chips and red wine to wash it down.  So, I decided we needed to do a little health(ier) dinner detox.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not dieting or anything, but both JC and I are just better off when we eat healthy and most of the time that's the food we like anyway.  Although...a whataburger every now and then keeps a person sane.  It's true.

So, I thought I'd switch it up and show you the Mimi first and the food second.  Here she is with her "ba-ba".  She calls her sippy cup her baba.  I think maybe that's what she calls milk?  I still heat up her milk for her in the morning and when I get her from her crib and she hears her bottle warmer go off, she squeals, "BA - BA!!!!"  It's the cutest thing ever ever ever. 

Cheerios and a "ba-ba" to keep her busy while I finish dinner...

And now on to the healthy stuff.  I did not pre-prep this dinner and instead rushed it together after I got home from work.  It could have been alot better and would have been good with some bread or a salad, but no time.  I had a hungry baby who was on the brink of meltdown if she didn't eat soon.

So, here it is...Baked Pasta e Fagioli.  It's basically, pasta, onion, celery, spinach, canellini beans, stewed tomatoes, tomato puree, romano cheese, chicken stock and...I think that's it.  Heat it in a sauce pan and then top with the cheese and bake for 15 minutes. Simple, easy and great for leftovers!

Next time, I'm prepping this the night before.  Why?  Because it's hard to chop an onion with a baby on your hip, that's why.  Overall, JC said it was good and Mia liked it.  Especially the beans.  Hey, at least it's not another ham sandwich, right?