Sunday, November 29, 2009

A day that will live in infamy!...okay, so maybe it's not that bad...

Hey guess what?!?! The doctor has finally decided that this mama should not have to endure any more pregnancy and is going to induce labor on December 7th!! That's 2 days before my due date and I couldn't be happier. By now, I'm sure that the baby is approaching 13 lbs. (okay, so maybe I'm being a bit dramatic), but I really am ready to have this baby!

So, unless she decides to make her appearance earlier, we are now 8 days and counting until D-day! Heck yes, I hugged the doctor when she asked if that would be okay with me. Okay with me? Has she not been reading my blog?!?

We have one more appointment on Wednesday at 10:40am and she's going to tell us all about the induction. What's going to happen, where we need to be and when, etc.

Everyone pray that she decides to stay put until after the Big 12 Championship game on Saturday. JC has to work at the game that day...He's pretty excited about covering a Husker football game from the new press box at Cowboy's Stadium, so I really want him to be able to experience that. Although, I think he would gladly adjust if I went into labor.

Okay more picture until the big day! Could I get any bigger?...god, I hope not.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

37 weeks 2 days...17 days to go. Hurry Up!!

Here we are at 37 weeks and 2 days and I say let's get this show on the road! Baby is full term right now, so it's safe for her to come at any time now.

We had another false alarm on Friday. I had been having really, really strong back pains and some pretty intense tightening in my stomach, so I left work and called my doctor. Too bad she never answered or called me that ticked me off a little bit. It ticked JC off alot! He was like, "What the hell!?! What are we paying them all of this money for?!?!" But, luckily laying down with the heating pad and drinking a few glasses of water took away the pains. Not quite sure what all those pains were about...but it was very, very uncomfortable! Didn't necessarily "hurt"...just really uncomfortable.

Anyway, that's about the only new thing that's happened with Baby T this week. She's still hanging out in my belly and kicking me when she wants to. I've bought all the things I can buy for her and I've washed and organized her clothes so many times that if I spent any more time in her nursery "organizing"...JC would have to commit me. So, all I need now is a baby! GOD...I hope she plans to arrive soon.

On a completely different note, I decorated for Christmas, BEFORE Thanksgiving for the first time in my life. I usually decorate the weekend after Thanksgiving, but given that I've got 17 days until D-Day, I just didn't want to chance going into labor, having a newborn and then never having enough time to put things up. I have a feeling we are going to have lots of visitors in December :) and I wanted to make our house as welcoming as possible. Again, always with the nesting...

Sunday, November 15, 2009 that me?!? 36 weeks and 2 days...

Hello all!

Pregnancy is truly amazing. Amazing that I can grow a human inside my stomach...pretty miraculous, really. What's also amazing is how much your body changes during just a short 9 months. I'm not even gonna go into much of it, cause I don't think you wanna know. It's very apparent in this week's picture that I am now puffy...very puffy...and tired. Granted the picture was taken after I cleaned the whole house and finished all of the laundry, so I was a bit more tired than normal anyway. And I think the baby has "dropped", so to speak. For those reading this that aren't "familiar" with pregnancy speak, dropped is when the baby's head has descended into the birth canal. Or something like that.

Anyway, the swelling is on in full force...puffy fingers are the norm now. And as for ankles? Yeah, forgot what those look like too. But calm down Jill, this is only for a short time in your life and then everything will go back to normal. Right? Well, you can bet I'll be P90x'ing it until it does go back to normal!!!

Anyway, I bet you're all wondering how the appointment went last week...well, most of you who read this blog have probably already been filled in, but just for the heck of it...

Baby's ultrasound went perfectly! All body parts are perfect, bones are perfect, spine is perfect, heartrate is perfect, head is HUGE! That's right. My baby's head is measuring 3 weeks further along than her gestation and her body is measuring 1 1/2 weeks further than her gestation. At the ultrasound, she weighed approximately 6 lbs. 13 ounces already. Most babies at that point are barely breaking 5 lbs. Dear lord. So, to make this make sense...

Gestation at time of Ultrasound - 35 weeks 5 days
Body measured - 37 weeks
Head measured 38 weeks

What this means...I don't know. It doesn't mean that she'll come earlier than expected, nor does it mean that my doctor will induce me early. What is certain, is that if she does go full term, she will be a fairly large baby. So, I reorganized all of her clothes today and put all of the "newborn" clothes in a bin by themselves since I doubt she'll even fit into them. We'll see!!! But, if any of you have seen the Gerber-brand Newborn onesies, you know why I did this. Those things would barely fit a preemie! Much less an above average newborn.

Some interesting news...on Friday night, we *almost* called the doctor. I was having some pretty intense back pains on and off. They'd last for a few minutes and then stop, then it would come back. They hurt so bad that I couldn't move. I don't think it could have been back labor because the baby's position is head down and facing my back (the Ideal position for her to be in before birth). We were at Office Depot buying JC a new office chair and then we stopped at Fuddruckers for dinner and they started. So, we went home, I sat on the couch with a heating pad and they went away. So, that was that and we didn't bother the doctor. But, I am going to ask her about it at our next appointment on Wednesday.

Other than that, baby is doing great, still moving quite a bit every day...which is a good thing. I might complain about being uncomfortable, not sleeping and swelling up like a rice krispie bar, but if it helps her grow to be the best baby she can be, then it's all worth it and I'd endure even more. Ha! That sounds cheesy...but it's true.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

35 weeks...the bags are packed.

Happy Sunday everyone-

Sorry for the delay...once again, I've missed a week. *sigh*...I am 'trying' to keep this blog updated! What's new...what's new....hmmm...

Well, we have a doctor appointment in 3 days and we get to do an ultrasound, which we're pretty stoked about. Doctor says it's time to check her "position" and determine why she's so big. And drumroll....if she is as huge as the doctor thinks she is, we might be looking at an early induction. No way am I birthing a 13 lb. baby...Oh my lord. No. Last appointment (I was 34 weeks pregnant), I measured 37 weeks pregnant. So...either I messed up the conception date and am further along than I thought, baby has her arms stretched or she is just big. Either way, I told the doctor that I'm ready and when she says it's go time, then I say let's do it. Nursery room is finished, clothes and blankets are washed and put away, we've got diapers, wipes, lotion, you name it. Just need to install the car seat and we're ready to go...oh yeah, AND decide on a name. I even packed both the baby and my bags for the hospital this weekend 'just in case.' I can't wear my wedding ring anymore and my fingers are constantly swollen, no matter how much water I drink. And I drink ALOT of water during the day...So, like all other pregnant women, welcome to waking up every 1-2 hours to pee. Poor JC, he isn't able to sleep that well either because I get up so much. We better get used to it, I guess...

So, here we are at 35 weeks 2 days pregnant. (the picture above)... Which means if she's still measuring 3 weeks further, then the belly is 38 weeks 2 days pregnant. It's hard to imagine myself without this tummy...I don't quite remember what it was like to ever (not) be pregnant. But, it looks like I might remember soon!!!

My JC, the most awesome husband in the world, has been working away, trying to keep up with all of the recruits that are coming to the NE home games. Do they commit to the team (who just beat OU, by the way...GO HUSKERS!) or don't they? That's always the big question... I'm trying to get things set and ready to go at my job too, so when it happens, I don't have many things left open that need to be done. It'll make my life a whole lot easier once the baby gets here, knowing that things have been taken care of. Or maybe I just need to chill out and let it go...that's probably an option too. Ha!

Anyway, below are some more pictures. Just a few of the baby's stuff and our house. People have been asking to see pictures of the house, but I haven't been able to get very good shots with our camera. We have a really fancy Canon camera that JC uses to take pics at football games, but the lens is so long, that I can't get a shot of anything. So, I just put up one of the front...and I had to take this all the way across the street to even get this in!

AND...the last picture is some art that I put on the nursery walls yesterday. The flowers go across about half of one of the walls next to the crib, but stupid camera, I could only fit two in the picture. Pretty cool, right? It took FOREVER to put it up, because each piece is separate and I had to reconstruct it from the original picture.

Anyway...till next time! I'll 'try' to put up a blog after our appointment on Wednesday to give you all the doctor's verdict. And shhhh...don't tell anyone, BUT...I'd be more than okay if she said that we had to induce in a week or so because the baby is too big. I think I'm ready...I think. You heard it here...famous last words. ha!