Life with Mia Jane is just, well...SUPER! Yes, we're tired all the time and we're still trying to master the diaper changes, but overall, it's perfect. Honestly, I always sort of scoffed at people who were so gaga over their kids (I mean, c'mon can't they get a life?)...but now it totally makes sense. I can't imagine life without her and can't remember life before she was here. Needless to say, she's definitely turned our world upside down in a great way.
Here is what's been happening in the first 2 weeks since Mia Jane was born:
1. Grown 2 inches.
2. Weight fluctuated from 7 lbs. 10 ounces to 6 lbs. 15 ounces and back up to 7 lbs 15 ounce.
3. We had to make 3 different trips to the pediatrician to check her bilirubin levels because she had a little bit of jaundice. As of yesterday, we are now free and clear of jaundice.
4. Mia got her first Hepatitis B shot. Mommy cried more than the baby. Seriously.
5. During a diaper change, Mia kicked too hard and knocked off her umbilical cord stump before it was ready. Daddy had to make an emergency pediatrician visit to fix it.
6. At her 2 week check up, the pediatrician said she has the strength of a 2 month old.
7. At her 2 week postpardum check up, mommy has already lost 30 pounds of baby weight. Omg! Only 30 more pounds to go. Omg.
OH! And Goose is being such a great kitty. To be honest, he isn't even interested in her in the slightest. It's like he knows that he's not supposed to touch her or something. And actually, he's much sweeter now that she's home. Almost like he's saying..."I'll be good, promise. Just give me a little attention too!" I love my cat.
Our first big outing will be on Thursday for Christmas Eve Church and dinner at a friend's home in Plano! Then off to Granbury for Christmas Day at JC's parent's house! I FINALLY get to dress her up to go out in public...cause let's face it, she's been in onesies since we got home cause she's just gonna pee or puke on them anyway and since we're just at home, who cares, right?
Happy Holidays to ALL!!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Life as Three...
Labels: baby
Posted by Jill at 8:19 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 11, 2009
Meet Mia Jane Talman
She's here everyone! After almost 12 hours of labor, she was born via C-Section at 7:53am. She was 7 lbs. 10 ounces and 19.5 inces long. She's a beauty and we're just head over heels in love with her! Here are a few pictures...
Labels: baby
Posted by Jill at 11:41 AM 0 comments
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Last day being pregnant...
This is it folks!
I've got 14 hours until we check in to the hospital for Baby T's induction. YAHHHHOOOO!!!! Mom just got here this afternoon for some moral (and housekeeping) support and I think we are ready to go! I'm so excited, I can't even stand it. I just wish my water would break and that it would happen naturally, but it doesn't look like it's gonna be that easy, so...bring on the Pitocin, I guess. Below is the last picture you'll see of this big pregnant belly and big pregnant lady. I only thought it was appropriate to include my wonderful hubby...who has been absent in most of the picture so far. And of course, why would we be serious in any of these pictures, right?
Wish me luck everyone! The next post will be of the beautiful baby girl! Holy's happening.
Labels: Preggo
Posted by Jill at 5:13 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
So much for coming away from this pregnancy unscathed by stretch marks. Turns out....that they crop up on the bottom of my belly, where I can't see very well. Really? I'm only 5 days away from induction!! C'mon, man...
Labels: Preggo
Posted by Jill at 6:09 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 29, 2009
A day that will live in infamy!...okay, so maybe it's not that bad...
Hey guess what?!?! The doctor has finally decided that this mama should not have to endure any more pregnancy and is going to induce labor on December 7th!! That's 2 days before my due date and I couldn't be happier. By now, I'm sure that the baby is approaching 13 lbs. (okay, so maybe I'm being a bit dramatic), but I really am ready to have this baby!
So, unless she decides to make her appearance earlier, we are now 8 days and counting until D-day! Heck yes, I hugged the doctor when she asked if that would be okay with me. Okay with me? Has she not been reading my blog?!?
We have one more appointment on Wednesday at 10:40am and she's going to tell us all about the induction. What's going to happen, where we need to be and when, etc.
Everyone pray that she decides to stay put until after the Big 12 Championship game on Saturday. JC has to work at the game that day...He's pretty excited about covering a Husker football game from the new press box at Cowboy's Stadium, so I really want him to be able to experience that. Although, I think he would gladly adjust if I went into labor.
Okay more picture until the big day! Could I get any bigger?...god, I hope not.
Labels: Preggo
Posted by Jill at 4:21 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 22, 2009
37 weeks 2 days...17 days to go. Hurry Up!!
Here we are at 37 weeks and 2 days and I say let's get this show on the road! Baby is full term right now, so it's safe for her to come at any time now.
We had another false alarm on Friday. I had been having really, really strong back pains and some pretty intense tightening in my stomach, so I left work and called my doctor. Too bad she never answered or called me that ticked me off a little bit. It ticked JC off alot! He was like, "What the hell!?! What are we paying them all of this money for?!?!" But, luckily laying down with the heating pad and drinking a few glasses of water took away the pains. Not quite sure what all those pains were about...but it was very, very uncomfortable! Didn't necessarily "hurt"...just really uncomfortable.
Anyway, that's about the only new thing that's happened with Baby T this week. She's still hanging out in my belly and kicking me when she wants to. I've bought all the things I can buy for her and I've washed and organized her clothes so many times that if I spent any more time in her nursery "organizing"...JC would have to commit me. So, all I need now is a baby! GOD...I hope she plans to arrive soon.
On a completely different note, I decorated for Christmas, BEFORE Thanksgiving for the first time in my life. I usually decorate the weekend after Thanksgiving, but given that I've got 17 days until D-Day, I just didn't want to chance going into labor, having a newborn and then never having enough time to put things up. I have a feeling we are going to have lots of visitors in December :) and I wanted to make our house as welcoming as possible. Again, always with the nesting...
Labels: Preggo
Posted by Jill at 4:05 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 15, 2009 that me?!? 36 weeks and 2 days...
Hello all!
Pregnancy is truly amazing. Amazing that I can grow a human inside my stomach...pretty miraculous, really. What's also amazing is how much your body changes during just a short 9 months. I'm not even gonna go into much of it, cause I don't think you wanna know. It's very apparent in this week's picture that I am now puffy...very puffy...and tired. Granted the picture was taken after I cleaned the whole house and finished all of the laundry, so I was a bit more tired than normal anyway. And I think the baby has "dropped", so to speak. For those reading this that aren't "familiar" with pregnancy speak, dropped is when the baby's head has descended into the birth canal. Or something like that.
Anyway, the swelling is on in full force...puffy fingers are the norm now. And as for ankles? Yeah, forgot what those look like too. But calm down Jill, this is only for a short time in your life and then everything will go back to normal. Right? Well, you can bet I'll be P90x'ing it until it does go back to normal!!!
Anyway, I bet you're all wondering how the appointment went last week...well, most of you who read this blog have probably already been filled in, but just for the heck of it...
Baby's ultrasound went perfectly! All body parts are perfect, bones are perfect, spine is perfect, heartrate is perfect, head is HUGE! That's right. My baby's head is measuring 3 weeks further along than her gestation and her body is measuring 1 1/2 weeks further than her gestation. At the ultrasound, she weighed approximately 6 lbs. 13 ounces already. Most babies at that point are barely breaking 5 lbs. Dear lord. So, to make this make sense...
Gestation at time of Ultrasound - 35 weeks 5 days
Body measured - 37 weeks
Head measured 38 weeks
What this means...I don't know. It doesn't mean that she'll come earlier than expected, nor does it mean that my doctor will induce me early. What is certain, is that if she does go full term, she will be a fairly large baby. So, I reorganized all of her clothes today and put all of the "newborn" clothes in a bin by themselves since I doubt she'll even fit into them. We'll see!!! But, if any of you have seen the Gerber-brand Newborn onesies, you know why I did this. Those things would barely fit a preemie! Much less an above average newborn.
Some interesting news...on Friday night, we *almost* called the doctor. I was having some pretty intense back pains on and off. They'd last for a few minutes and then stop, then it would come back. They hurt so bad that I couldn't move. I don't think it could have been back labor because the baby's position is head down and facing my back (the Ideal position for her to be in before birth). We were at Office Depot buying JC a new office chair and then we stopped at Fuddruckers for dinner and they started. So, we went home, I sat on the couch with a heating pad and they went away. So, that was that and we didn't bother the doctor. But, I am going to ask her about it at our next appointment on Wednesday.
Other than that, baby is doing great, still moving quite a bit every day...which is a good thing. I might complain about being uncomfortable, not sleeping and swelling up like a rice krispie bar, but if it helps her grow to be the best baby she can be, then it's all worth it and I'd endure even more. Ha! That sounds cheesy...but it's true.
Labels: Preggo
Posted by Jill at 5:49 PM 1 comments
Sunday, November 8, 2009
35 weeks...the bags are packed.
So, here we are at 35 weeks 2 days pregnant. (the picture above)... Which means if she's still measuring 3 weeks further, then the belly is 38 weeks 2 days pregnant. It's hard to imagine myself without this tummy...I don't quite remember what it was like to ever (not) be pregnant. But, it looks like I might remember soon!!!
Labels: Preggo
Posted by Jill at 3:08 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 26, 2009
33 1/2 Weeks...and the baby has "stuff" now!
Six and a half weeks to go...omg. I think the baby knows it too, because all she does is poke her arms and legs out of my stomach. JC still gets freaked out by it...
This last weekend was so much fun! Grandma Kathy came to the Big D and helped me put together the nursery (after Daddy JC built all the furniture). Pink and Brown everywhere! We still have some finishing touches to do, but for the most part, she's got a room of her own. What do you think?
I always said that I wouldn't "give in" to the all of the baby "stuff" hype, nor would I put her in a pink room if I had a girl. And look at me now. Pink everywhere. Well, if it's any consolation...if we ever have a boy, he'll be in pink too because this stuff was too expensive to just have to buy all over again! JC agrees too! He said, "If his dad is secure enough to wear pink, then so can he." Oh man, we're already talking about the first "son"... dear lord.
And of course...we had another baby shower this weekend in Texas. Thanks so much to Sherree and Roxann for putting it together, it was beautiful and I wish I had more pictures to put up! We are so lucky to have people care about this little girl to buy her cute shoes!!!! Hello? Did you see those little leopard boots in the picture above?!? Well, they buy her shoes and of course, we got baby monitors, blankets, sleepers, crib bedding, strollers, car seats, you name it. This girl is least for the first few months. I can't even tell you how many broken down boxes JC took out after we opened everything we've gotten from the last 2 baby showers and what we've bought. It's insane!
Here we are at the baby shower with grandma Kathy and grandma Dee! Boy do I look pregnant, pale and uncomfortable. Yup...that sums it up.
Labels: Preggo
Posted by Jill at 9:38 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 16, 2009
32 weeks...or is it 34?
Hi guys!
Well guess what? Doctor appointment went great today and surprise, surprise...someone is measuring 2 weeks ahead of schedule. I asked the doctor if that means she will come early and she said. "Not necessarily, but it probably does mean you're gonna have one big baby."
I guess that's okay...I think she's just going to be really long...maybe. I dunno, I'm still new to all of this baby/mommy stuff. What I do know is that my feet are hurting, my lower back is hurting and my belly is starting to ache. Still no stretch marks though! Yay me! We also get to do one more ultrasound at 35 weeks just to see what position she's in and if the fluid levels are okay. I guess big babies suck up all the amniotic fluid or something. Ha! Oh and guess what?!? The crib arrived today...JC said that "daddy" is ready to build the crib this weekend with his new tools he bought. Man, is he adorable or what?!?
Anyway, here are some of the "belly photos" that my amazingly talented sister-in-law Brandi took for us at my baby shower in Nebraska. Isn't she great?!? Seriously, hire her to shoot pictures for you!!!
Labels: Preggo
Posted by Jill at 5:03 PM 1 comments
Monday, October 12, 2009
Holy...Huge - 31 Weeks
Hey there...just me and my HUGE baby here. Can you believe how big this belly is? I still have 9 weeks to go?!? Yeah right, we'll see if that happens. Seriously...big baby belly. Anyway, I think I had my first braxton hicks contraction yesterday. Kinda felt like my stomach was tightening up really tight, it lasted for about 3 I laid down, drank a glass of water and it went away. It didn't come back, so I forgot about it. Let's hope those don't come back didn't hurt, just really uncomfortable. JC kept asking me, "Are you okay? Are you having contractions?" And I said, "Hmm...good question, cause I wouldn't have a clue what they feel like." Ha! We are going to our first birthing class this coming Saturday morning, so hopefully, they help us out with what exactly will happen there. I can't believe it's coming so fast...before you know it, she will be here.
I washed all of Baby T's clothes yesterday (yes, she's still Baby T cause we haven't settled on a name yet). I hung them in the closet, organized them according to genre and then of course, yup. I guess I'm OCD "nesting". I just feel better if everything in there is perfect. I ordered the crib today too! I swear, is THE place to shop. We bought a new bed frame from there (and we love it) and shipping is only $2.95 total...for anything you buy! What a deal. Anyway, crib came from overstock too.
Nursery colors are light pink and chocolate brown. I know, I, how original. But really, I love the colors together and it'll be ultra-hip...don't worry. No Disney bedding here.
As soon as the nursery is done, which...I'm hoping happens in the next 2 weeks, I'll put up pictures.
So, at 31 weeks pregnant, bending over is really hard, tying my shoes or painting my nails is impossible, seeing the number on the scale makes me really anxious, driving is getting hard too...mostly because I can't get close enough to the steering wheel. *Sigh*...I can see why women get weary of this. I think I've had it with the pregnancy and I'm just ready for the baby. Bring on the baby!! (But not for at least another 7 weeks). I can deal with her being born at 38 weeks, heck...I'd be okay if she were 37 weeks. Just no more than 3 weeks early. Geez...with my luck, she'll be a week late or something.
Anyway, I'll leave you with a picture of our Goose. We were contemplating giving him away to another family before the baby is born, but we decided to hang on to him. It was just too sad to think about letting him go. So, let's hope he likes his new sister!!! Isn't he cute?
Labels: Preggo
Posted by Jill at 7:36 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 28, 2009
Weddings, House Moving and oh yeah...still pregnant.
Hello!! Again, I've dropped the ball with the blog. But, I'm not kidding we've been so busy that I'm having a hard time finding time to post to this this...but here goes.
We're in Viriginia Beach right now and went to Brad and Courtney's wedding last night. BEAUTIFUL! It was at a Yacht Club, right on the water and it was fantastic. Everyone had tons of fun and I of course...really enjoyed the cake. :)
And guess what? We close on our house tomorrow! Yippee! We still have to pack and everything but we're moving on Saturday, so I'm very excited for that. Now, if I could just find time to pack. Hmm...Anybody busy this wee?
Baby is doing very well, we have a doctor appointment this Wednesday. The last couple days I was getting a little anxiety because I felt like she wasn't moving as much as she used to...but I stand corrected because she kept me up all night last night with the kicking. I mean...the WHOLE night. Kicks are getting harder and more painful too, so I guess that's a good thing. She's growing the way she should be and is already getting stronger.
Still can't tie my shoes, can't paint my toenails and bending over is really hard to do now. Carrying around all of this weight is starting to take it's toll on me too. But, hey! It's okay...I'm not complaining. The end result will be a baby girl and I can't wait. I wonder what her face will look like....
Oh and one final thought on names. JC and I both have our favorites...
Jill's fav - Lila Jane Talman
JC's fav - Mia Jane Talman
Pictures from Brad and Courtney's wedding and Virginia Beach...with the 29 week baby picture! Only 11 weeks to go? Omg...Where has the time gone!?!?
Labels: Preggo
Posted by Jill at 8:14 AM 1 comments
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Healthy at 27 weeks
Hello friends!
Update on the appointment...I passed! Hell yes, I did! No gestational diabetes and no iron deficiencies. Yippee! And, the drink that I complained about so much tasted like orange Hi-C. Really, it did! So, I was being a big baby for nothing.
And speaking of Big Baby, here I am at 27 weeks huge. It took me 10 minutes to tie my own shoes this morning. I'm not even exaggerating. Good thing I rarely wear tennis shoes, huh?
But seriously, have you ever seen anyone this pregnant at 27 weeks? Well...except for maybe the Octo-mom. Her stomach was scary big, horror film big. Just in case you haven't seen it... Geez, that is one humongous stomache.
Labels: Preggo
Posted by Jill at 5:18 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Week 26
Back to the Blog! We just got back from Nebraska and had an awesome time! My baby shower was out of this world (stay tuned for more pics from my awesome sis-in-law Brandi) and I was so happy to see all of my friends with their new babies (and pregnant bellies). Think lots of pink and lots of sugar!We had a dessert buffet... But, in true rockstar fashion, we had a "concert/rockstar" theme so the tables had old records, guitar books and a great playlist put together by Katie's dad. It was the coolest baby shower I have ever been to!
We got so many great gifts that I can't even begin to think about my favorites. My great aunt Bonnie and Katie's grandma Neva made her some beautiful crocheted blankets that I think might edge out everything else, though. Lots of cute clothes, socks, shoes, onesies, etc.
We also took some "pregnant" pictures with Brandi and I can't wait to see them! She is such a talented photographer and I can't wait to see what she comes up with. I'll send you to her blog once she puts them up! Oh...and Happy early birthday to Brandi!! (She turns 23 on September 11th)
Tomorrow is the big glucose test for us...ugh. I am SO not looking forward to this. As my mom can attest, I am NOT good with taking medication (or weird orange-flavored syrup stuff) on an empty stomach, so it should be interesting. For sure I'll be starving after my appointment since I can't eat anything past midnight tonight until after my appointment is over. Everyone pray for NO gestational diabetes!! :) I'll keep you updated next week on how the appointment went.
We are moving in to our house around October 3rd and we couldn't be more excited. JC and I's 4th wedding anniversary is tomorrow and instead of buying gifts for each other, we bought something new for the house...a new bed frame!! Pretty lame, I know. BUT...ours is so old and I'm ready to throw it in the dang garbage dump. Good riddance old bedframe!
JC has been playing music for her every now and then...AND he's picked up the guitar again so he knows a few more songs to play for her after she is born. YAY! My favorite! Right now, she's listening to alot of John Mayer, mostly the Where the Light Is LIVE album. Also, Stevie Ray Vaughn is a favorite right now. She WILL come out a rockstar, believe that!
Til next time! Have a great week!
Labels: Preggo
Posted by Jill at 8:49 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Let the football begin...Baby T is 25 weeks
Well hello there! Welcome to being 25 weeks pregnant...and it's now hard for me to touch my feet and sit up on my own without exerting alot of effort. Oh goes the hardships of creating a human.
This last Saturday, I went with JC to my first Texas High School football game. We stood on the sidelines and I wrote down the stats he wanted while he took pictures. What an experience, let me tell you! Cedar Hill v. DeSoto High School and ESPN was there to broadcast the whole thing. Cedar Hill is one of the top 20 ranked high school football teams in the country, so...that's why ESPN was interested. All in all...a pretty awesome experience. Watching my husband at work was pretty cool was bring your wife to work day! And no, it wasn't quite like Varsity Blues...but it was a little bit. :)
This Friday we are heading back to Nebraska for my Baby Shower and I'm so excited! I really can't stand how excited I am to see feels like it's been forever. I just wish we were staying longer than 3 days. Husker football on Saturday and Baby Shower on Sunday with cake...yyyeeessss.
Here is the shirt I want to buy:House buying is still moving along...just a month til we close and then move in! Goodbye apartments...THANK GOD! I am really done with the apartment crap. Til next week!!
Labels: Preggo
Posted by Jill at 12:17 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 24, 2009
Lots of big things happening...and 24 weeks
I'm so sorry this is so darn late...but we have been SO busy these last two weeks. Football season is coming up (making JC super duper busy), work is always very busy for me and we've also been busy....BUYING A HOUSE!! That's right...we did it. We just got done with the inspection (all is well) and all we're waiting on is the appraisal and then we just wait to close in a month! OMG...we're so excited. We'll live in Plano, right near where JC grew up. Actually...our little girl will go to the exact same schools that her daddy went to...can you believe that?!? Jc is still getting used to the fact that he's back home in Plano...a place he never thought he'd end up. It's all very exciting and I'm still in shock just a little bit.
Not much is happening with the baby right now. Just kicking away all the time! It actually doesn't bother me because it reassures me that she's doing fine in there. She can kick me all she wants. One milestone we've reached is the stage of viability, the point where there is a possibility that she could survive if she happened to be born now. But...we are NOT even thinking about that, she needs to cook until at least 38 weeks.
We had an appointment last week and all was perfect, the appointment literally lasted about 15 minutes. Next appointment is the big glucose test where they check for gestational diabetes and I am NOT looking forward to that. I have to fast in the morning and drink an orange drink and then they take my blood. Hello?!? Take my blood on an empty stomach? You can bet that I will be passing out... I'll just have to lay down when they do it. We all remember the "giving plasma" incident, right? Ugh...
We've registered for our baby showers and I think we've covered everything. Now that we will have a house in a month, I have to start thinking about decorating the baby's room! I haven't even thought about it yet because I thought we would "tough" it out in our apartment until our lease was up! It's a great problem to have, but now I need to do some serious thinking about decorating. I'm thinking of doing the stick on wall decals (the really nice ones, not the cheesy/cheap ones). I'm so excited for my mom to come down and help me!
Below are some pictures of our new house. Yippee!!
Labels: Preggo
Posted by Jill at 7:36 PM 2 comments