Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Friends and Fish

I have this great friend in Nashville. I miss her greatly.  I should call her more.  I should visit her.  Until I get my act together and actually do that, I read her blog.  Like me, she too aspires to just cook all day and create wonderful food and be Ina Garten (or whoever her culinary idol is).  Our dream is to open a catering business/bakery/restaurant...or something like that.

Anyway, I read her blog and that's how I stay connected.  On her blog, she made this Yummy Dinner.  Well, I made it too and she was right. DELICIOUS!!!

The best part.  Simple and fast.  I have a 15 month old toddler who is into everything and wants to go everywhere.  So, when I cook, it needs to be quick and uncomplicated.  I need one eye on the food, one eye on the girl.  So this recipe works for me.

FYI...from this point on, my fish will ALWAYS be coated in Panko bread crumbs.  Why would you use anything else?  They are delicious and perfect for fish!

See for yourself...

Healthy eating at our house.  Had to counteract all of that sugar and butter from these last night.  But that's okay...cause it was delicious.

It was also Mia's first taste of fish.  That was about the last thing that I waited to give her, food-wise.  I have no idea why...I just thought she needed to be "older" to try fish.

So, I gave her some.  It went in...

And came right back out.

Maybe she isn't quite ready yet.