Monday, March 21, 2011

Why I learned to loosen up.

Here's why I like Texas.  90 degrees in March.  90 degrees in March means we get to go on a boat!  Well, not our boat...JC's parents got a new fancy boat and we traveled to the lake this weekend to test it!

This weekend made me realize that I have definitely "loosened up" as a parent.  Last summer, I wouldn't let Mia anywhere near the boat.  Nope, no way.  Too scary.  I always said, "I'm in charge of her life and well-being and so I'm going to do everything I can to make sure that life stays intact."  Well, that hasn't changed at all...but now, I'm actually letting her experience things. It's actually fun! Maybe because she's older, maybe because I'm a more confident parent, maybe I've finally gotten tired of worrying all the time.  Who knows. All I know, is that someone got a hot pink life jacket and had her first boat ride.

She loved it. Well, at first she stayed really close to me and just seemed really confused. That lasted all of 5 seconds and then she wouldn't sit still.  We didn't go any faster than 10 miles and hour and the traffic on the lake was very slow so all was good.  She kept pointing and saying "wah wah."  Then it got really interesting...she drove the boat.  Okay, just kidding.  But she did sit on her dad's lap while he drove the boat. 

Reason #2 I have loosened up as a parent.  I let Mia have a sucker at a parade we went to this weekend.  Okay, so I let her have it for about 5 minutes until it got too small and then I got a little freaked out. Still...I think it's a great start!

Also, that snack cup thing that she's holding in the boat pictures is something that everyone with a child should have.  You can put goldfish crackers, cheerios, puffs, animal crackers, or "snacks" as we call them in them, the kid can pull them out but when she carries it around, it doesn't dump all over the floor.  Genius.  Changed my life when I bought it two days ago.  Today, we went to the grocery store and Mia had her snack cup with her in the cart.  She kept offering it to everyone in the aisle saying, "nak, nak." Then I smothered her with a million kisses cause she wins the cute contest.

I think it's almost time for a food post.  Hmm....