Monday, March 7, 2011

15 months of baby...I mean big girl now.

She's 15 months today my friends!!!  Growing like a weed too.  We just got back from her 15 month check-up with her pediatrician and in his words..."I am impressed with this perfect child."  YES! Well, I'm not really surprised, because she is perfect, but to hear an actual medical professional say it...made my day!

Height is 32 1/2 inches (in the 95%)
Weight is 22.7 lbs (in the 55%)
Head size is 51.4...(still above 100%)

Head size is the only thing that's given us some trouble/concern in the past.  But, after an MRI, a visit to the pediatric neurologist and many doctor bills later...we all agreed that it's attributed to genetics. Great. Can we have our $2000 out of pocket expenses back now, please?  Oh well, good news is it's just money and Mia is healthy.

She got her little toe pricked to check iron count (it was perfect and she didn't even make a peep! Not one!)
We got 4 vaccinations, which resulted in about 20 seconds of crying and then we got excited about the picture of the Lion King movie hanging on the ped's office wall.

All in all, a great visit.  She also has NO "stranger danger" either!  She let the nurses and doctor just poke and prod her without so much as a peep.  Which is crazy because she really hasn't been in any kind of consistent daycare and around other people except her family.  Like I said...perfect. But wait, I think a "little" stranger danger is probably good. We'll work on that.

Here we are at 15 months this morning!  Wasn't in the mood for pictures, though. Nonetheless...