Friday, March 25, 2011

Mia's Very First Haircut (she didn't cry)

This kid amazes me every day.  Not only did she sit still and just be adorable all through her haircut, she didn't cry.  Not once.  How is that possible?!?  Don't all kids cry during their first haircut?!?  The only resistance was shaking her head and saying "no" when I sat her in the chair and once I told her it was okay, she was fine. 

Oh man, as you know...her bangs were looking pretty shaggy.  In her face all the time and rarely does a "BOHHH" (as she calls them), stay in her hair because she rips it right out. 

Case in point:

Cute, of course.  Too shaggy, absolutely.  So, I made an appointment at SnipIts...once of those cute specialty kid's haircut places.  I totally could've done this by myself, but I was too chicken.  I was afraid I'd mess it up.  I'm so glad, cause they did a great job and oh my goodness, she looks so big! 

To celebrate, we went out and had her favorite food for lunch.  French fries.  (and some other stuff too)