Friday, April 8, 2011

Friday List

So the blog rage these days is to make a list of random things that are happening in your life and post it every Friday. Just another Friday ritual, kind of like #ff on Twitter. You know, where you promote people to follow on Friday, hence the #ff hashtag (or following friday hash tag). Anyway, I think I'll join in.  So here it goes. 

1.  I am taking Mia to story time at the library this morning.Then doing my version of "Extreme Couponing" at the grocery store and then hopefully trying to get to Macy's to use my birthday gift cards to buy something fun for the house.  (Who am I kidding, I think I'm going to buy new silverware.)

2.  I am in love with my new Keurig coffee maker I got for my birthday.  I can't wait to wake up in the morning to choose which flavor I want and then make it.  Laugh if you will, but this little thing in my life really makes me happy.

3. I am making DRIP BEEF for dinner tonight. 

4.  It's already starting to get hot in Dallas.  I'm not ready to stop wearing jeans yet.  Crap.

5.  This is going on in my yard right now...(Pictures courtesy of crappy Blackberry camera)

6.  This weekend is The Masters golf tournament. I'm cheering for that young kid who looks like Zac Efron. 

7.  She finally looks like me.  At least in this picture.


Jill said...

Test comment because blogger sucks sometimes.