Wednesday, June 22, 2011

$14 worth of FUN

It's 104 in Dallas.  Not exaggerating. At. All.  Literally, Mia and I make a 15 minute trip to the store and she's red-faced and sweating.  Not much we can do here outside in this heat and keeping an 18 month old toddler cooped up in the house all day means more Elmo and Mickey Mouse than any person should be forced to consume.  

So, I guess we could go to the pool, right?  Wrong.  Not on a Saturday! You couldn't pay me.  No weekend pool time until Mia is old enough to push those stupid kids back in the baby pool.  Monday, I can do because there aren't as many kids. Saturday during crazy kid day? Nope.

So, this weekend, we spent $14 and bought a whole lotta fun!  A baby pool in our backyard! 

Oh, she loved it.  She played with at least 3 buckets and a million different kinds of cups (we're really into pouring water in and out of things now) and she probably played in it for an hour and a half.  Two sunscreen and one bug spray application later, we were pooped and done with the pool.

I foresee a lot of "pool" time this summer.  Right in the safe space of our  backyard with no grubby 7 year old stealing her bucket and knocking her off the steps to the water slide.  Monsters.