Mia plays in the mud. She colors pictures of dinosaurs and trucks. Sometimes *gasp* she wears green. She wears blue shoes and plays with golf clubs, balls and a baseball bat. She has a Woody from Toy Story sippy cup.
She also has a play "kitchen" in her room. She plays with baby dolls. She has a Disney Princess sippy cup. Although, I will say she pretends to feed her baby doll then usually sticks her in the play oven afterwards. Who knows what that means...hmm. Anyway, point is...we try to give her a balanced viewpoint of "girl" things and "boy" things and try to not categorize them as such.
But, I'm here to say, that this post is not balanced. This is all about the girly side. The unabashed, hot pink girly side. Summer seems to bring it out in us, I guess.
Every girl needs a pink bikini. Just ask her nana who bought it for her :)
Mia calls this her "princess" skirt.
Sometimes, it's good to be a girl. Tomorrow we play in the mud.
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