Wednesday, May 11, 2011

My favorite part is here.

When I was huge and pregnant, JC and I would talk about what we are looking forward to the most when Mia would make her arrival.  JC couldn't wait to play guitar for her and teach her everything about music.  Me?  I couldn't wait until that stage when she would talk in babble nonsense and expect me to respond.  I just LOVE when little kids babble on and on in some kind of alien language (that makes perfect sense to them) and then look at you like, "Well, c'mon...aren't you going to respond back to me?" 

Oh we're here!  Well, we've been at this point for a while now.  Mia was an early talker and definitely has a knack for words.  Here is what she knows and says now...the words she associates with the right objects and/or people.  The list is gonna be long...

Mommy, Daddy, Gigi (JC's mom), Nana (my mom), Papa (my dad and JC's step-dad), Ga-pa (JC's dad), Goosie (our cat), milk, Yeah! (for yes), doose (juice), puppy (dog), duck, horth (horse), purple, yellow, red, circle, star, heart, kik-en (chicken), nana (banana), glasses, eye, nose, ear, mouth, toes, up, down, walk, sing (swing), Poppins (Mary Poppins), Elmo, Ernie, Cookie, Abby, wa-wa (water), bubbles, hot, brrr (cold), puter (computer), chair, lunch, cheese (macaroni and cheese), cheerios, book, baby, happo (hippo), cereal, ga (guitar), side (outside or inside), bye bye, eight, hi, hello, I love you, goes on and on...

The list is just a taste of what she knows.  We were early readers (I mean, reading to her at 2 days old early) and she loves books, stories, music and right IN LOVE with Mary Poppins. 

Besides knows these correct words, she also is babbling in sentences. In a language that is all her own. Here's how it goes:

Mia - "Blibble boo da da gook." **Stares blankly at mommy**

Mommy - "What, honey?"

Mia - "Blibble boo da da GOOK."

Mommy - "What?  Do you want  a book?" **Holds out a book**

Mia - "Blibble boo da da gook?" **Points to a random spot in the house**

Mommy - "I don't know what you're saying."

Mia - **Walks away**

This...I LOVE!  I love hearing her make up her own sentences and words and meanings for things.  I just want to know what's going on in that cute little brain of hers.  But, I will say that it can get a little manic when she insists on asking for something (in a word nobody could decipher) and asks for it over and over and over and looks at us like we're crazy (or mean parents) for not knowing what she wants. 

In other news, we've got a little virus running it's way through our house.  Mia has a nagging fever and is just so irritable and cranky.  Poor thing.  Here is what she spent most of yesterday doing. I hate the sick times!