Monday, September 28, 2009

Weddings, House Moving and oh yeah...still pregnant.

Hello!! Again, I've dropped the ball with the blog. But, I'm not kidding we've been so busy that I'm having a hard time finding time to post to this this...but here goes.

We're in Viriginia Beach right now and went to Brad and Courtney's wedding last night. BEAUTIFUL! It was at a Yacht Club, right on the water and it was fantastic. Everyone had tons of fun and I of course...really enjoyed the cake. :)

And guess what? We close on our house tomorrow! Yippee! We still have to pack and everything but we're moving on Saturday, so I'm very excited for that. Now, if I could just find time to pack. Hmm...Anybody busy this wee?

Baby is doing very well, we have a doctor appointment this Wednesday. The last couple days I was getting a little anxiety because I felt like she wasn't moving as much as she used to...but I stand corrected because she kept me up all night last night with the kicking. I mean...the WHOLE night. Kicks are getting harder and more painful too, so I guess that's a good thing. She's growing the way she should be and is already getting stronger.

Still can't tie my shoes, can't paint my toenails and bending over is really hard to do now. Carrying around all of this weight is starting to take it's toll on me too. But, hey! It's okay...I'm not complaining. The end result will be a baby girl and I can't wait. I wonder what her face will look like....

Oh and one final thought on names. JC and I both have our favorites...

Jill's fav - Lila Jane Talman
JC's fav - Mia Jane Talman


Pictures from Brad and Courtney's wedding and Virginia Beach...with the 29 week baby picture! Only 11 weeks to go? Omg...Where has the time gone!?!?

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Healthy at 27 weeks

Hello friends!

Update on the appointment...I passed! Hell yes, I did! No gestational diabetes and no iron deficiencies. Yippee! And, the drink that I complained about so much tasted like orange Hi-C. Really, it did! So, I was being a big baby for nothing.

And speaking of Big Baby, here I am at 27 weeks huge. It took me 10 minutes to tie my own shoes this morning. I'm not even exaggerating. Good thing I rarely wear tennis shoes, huh?

But seriously, have you ever seen anyone this pregnant at 27 weeks? Well...except for maybe the Octo-mom. Her stomach was scary big, horror film big. Just in case you haven't seen it... Geez, that is one humongous stomache.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Week 26

Back to the Blog! We just got back from Nebraska and had an awesome time! My baby shower was out of this world (stay tuned for more pics from my awesome sis-in-law Brandi) and I was so happy to see all of my friends with their new babies (and pregnant bellies). Think lots of pink and lots of sugar!We had a dessert buffet... But, in true rockstar fashion, we had a "concert/rockstar" theme so the tables had old records, guitar books and a great playlist put together by Katie's dad. It was the coolest baby shower I have ever been to!

We got so many great gifts that I can't even begin to think about my favorites. My great aunt Bonnie and Katie's grandma Neva made her some beautiful crocheted blankets that I think might edge out everything else, though. Lots of cute clothes, socks, shoes, onesies, etc.

We also took some "pregnant" pictures with Brandi and I can't wait to see them! She is such a talented photographer and I can't wait to see what she comes up with. I'll send you to her blog once she puts them up! Oh...and Happy early birthday to Brandi!! (She turns 23 on September 11th)

Tomorrow is the big glucose test for us...ugh. I am SO not looking forward to this. As my mom can attest, I am NOT good with taking medication (or weird orange-flavored syrup stuff) on an empty stomach, so it should be interesting. For sure I'll be starving after my appointment since I can't eat anything past midnight tonight until after my appointment is over. Everyone pray for NO gestational diabetes!! :) I'll keep you updated next week on how the appointment went.

We are moving in to our house around October 3rd and we couldn't be more excited. JC and I's 4th wedding anniversary is tomorrow and instead of buying gifts for each other, we bought something new for the house...a new bed frame!! Pretty lame, I know. BUT...ours is so old and I'm ready to throw it in the dang garbage dump. Good riddance old bedframe!

JC has been playing music for her every now and then...AND he's picked up the guitar again so he knows a few more songs to play for her after she is born. YAY! My favorite! Right now, she's listening to alot of John Mayer, mostly the Where the Light Is LIVE album. Also, Stevie Ray Vaughn is a favorite right now. She WILL come out a rockstar, believe that!

Til next time! Have a great week!