Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Spaghetti Face

So, what's the best food ever for a toddler to eat?  Spaghetti.  Hands down.  It ALWAYS wins in my house with the little girl.  She used to eat everything and anything I gave her.  Not anymore.  She definitely likes what she likes and throws everything else on the floor.  We're working on that one...

Anyway, here's my trick (and being a working mom, you have to have tricks)...  Make a BIG batch of spaghetti...or really, any pasta combination for that matter.  Save the leftovers and voila you've got a surefire dinner for a toddler any night.  Just mix up the side dishes and vegetables that you serve with it and it works great.  Also, have a spaghetti faced baby is pretty cute long as the cleanup doesn't get TOO out of control...

Still trying to figure out that fork thing, though.  I think she's getting close...