Wednesday, March 2, 2011


I've got a talker on my hands.  Mimi repeats everything I say and if you tell her what something is (only one time)...she knows it.  She can't form complete words that well yet, but she's getting better.  She probably knows about 25 words now and associates them with things or people now.  For example...when my computer screen goes idle and my pictures start doing the slideshow thing, if a picture of my mom pops up, she points and says Na-na.

She says Big Bird, La-La (Elmo), Mama, Dada, ki-ki (kitty), more, no, walk, doose (juice), rock (as in a rock on the ground and rock in the chair), chocolate (that one is more like cha-ca), cak-cak (duck), cracker, thank you, please, jacket, na-na (my mom and banana), wa-wa (water) and ba-ba (sippy cup/milk).  These are all of the words that she says if she sees the actual item.  If I point and tell her the name of something, she says it back to me.  Or at least tries very hard to.  She is one smart cookie, let me tell you.

Her latest word...GAH.  $20 bucks to the person who knows what she's talking about.  Here's a hint:

If you guessed GUITAR, then you know what a GAH is.  You see, my husband is a guitar player (a very good one might I add) and he has an acoustic and electric guitar hanging on the wall of his office with his amp below it.  Every now and then, he would take it down and play for Mia and let her strum on it.  Now, when she goes in his office, she points and says GAH!!!! Then whines until we get it down...(we're working on her saying please everytime she asks for something).  She sits and strums and strums and strums.  Sometimes she hums too.  She is definitely a music lover.

Today, we got the GAH down for a bit.  She loved it.